Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: Florida

Discovering the Magnificence of Mar- a- Lago

Discovering the Magnificence of Mar- a- Lago: Mar-a-Lago is undoubtedly one of the most luxurious and opulent properties in Florida, owned by former U.S president Donald Trump.

Last Day In Florida And Final Good Byes For Airlift Students

Last Day In Florida And Final Good Byes For Airlift Students: Florida was real fun for our airlift students! The bonding moments together were extraordinarily beautiful. When

VIDEO: Brilliant Airlift Students Hold A Last Day Conversation In Florida

VIDEO: Brilliant Airlift Students Hold A Last Day Conversation In Florida: As we sat down to engage each other about our time together in Florida and the journey ahead, it just caught my attention of how we are made of more;

USA Airlift Students’ Beautiful Goodbyes After Precious Time In Florida

USA Airlift Students' Beautiful Goodbyes After Precious Time In Florida: Well, they say everything has an end moment. And when it comes to goodbyes, sometimes, they can be pretty painful. Now, after New Year's

Death Announcement for Bedan Muthinji of Daytona Beach, Florida

Death Announcement for Bedan Muthinji of Daytona Beach, Florida: We are saddened to announce the death of  Bedan Muthinji of Daytona Beach, Florida. He was declared dead at 7:30 pm Monday,

Pressure On Diaspora Parents: Sea world In Florida Or In San Diego

Pressure On Diaspora Parents: Sea world In Florida Or In San Diego. Our school-going children put pressure on us to take them to Sea World in Orlando, Florida during summer holidays.

A Kenyan in love with Florida and the Hurricanes: Literally

A Kenyan in love with Florida and the Hurricanes: Literally: Some people love but they lay down certain requirements for the relationship. Whether it is the love for a car, a dog, a cat, a house,

Help Rebuild the House of God- Streams of Life Worship Center

Rebuilding The house of the Lord-Streams Of Life Worship Center: On 13th June 2019, a car veered off the interstate highway in Orlando Florida, drove through a brush fence and went through

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