Sospeter Kiptoo, a determined and ambitious student from Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, is embarking on an exciting new chapter at Temple University in Philadelphia,...
Irene Muthoni from Nyeri County is on her way to Missouri State University to pursue a Master of Science in Project Management.
Excitement and anxiety...
Moses Mwaura, a dedicated student from Nakuru County, Kenya, is embarking on a life-changing journey to pursue his Master of Accountancy in Accounting Analytics...
Our journey began at the International Scholars Program (ISP) Main Operations Hub in Meru, taking us across Kenya’s vibrant towns of Nanyuki, Nyahururu, Rumuruti,...
Sylvia Kinya’s journey to the University of Delaware, where she will pursue a Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, is one marked...
For Michael Kitimet, a driven scholar from Kajiado County, Kenya, returning to North Carolina in the United States for his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics...
At the recent International Scholars Program (ISP) annual luncheon, Collins Langat, a driven young scholar from Kericho County, Kenya, shared his inspiring journey with...