Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag: Optiven

Brand Identity | What companies need to know about Logos.

Brand Identity | What companies need to know about Logos.: The Optiven Group is one of the few companies associated with the real estate sector that has thrived for over 20 years in Kenya. It’s logo is familiar with a cross section of stakeholders and is a well known even among school going children. Why, you may ask? Because in that time Optiven Group has made huge steps in impacting the society.

Optiven Interventions Spread Water Accessibility

Optiven Interventions Spread Water Accessibility: Water is life is an adage that we are all familiar with because it is at the center of everything necessary for human survival. As the world celebrates the International Day for Water, we are keen to support the infrastructure to ensure that this important resource is available for all our customers.

Foundation transforms with wheelchairs

The Optiven Foundation has been at the forefront in pushing for the inclusivity of people living with disability. Through it’s #MobilityThatBringsSmiles initiative launched in the year 2019, the foundation has been traversing the different counties in Kenya to provide new wheelchairs to needy cases.

How to Conquer the Enemy within-Covid 19 third wave

How to Conquer the Enemy within-Covid 19 third wave: The biggest enemy of our time is the continued changes that face us amidst the pandemic of Covid 19. The third wave has come with a new force where it is expected to increase the number of infections. I also continue to request for all who are not tested to take courage and be tested once you are going through any of the symptoms.

Optiven Customers To Build In Love Gardens Benefit From Building Materials

Optiven Customers To Build In Love Gardens Benefit From Building Materials: Optiven Limited is granting a humongous start for 10 lucky builders in Kajiado County. The real estate pace setter has already set the ball rolling by upgrading the different value additions on the ground to transform their project in the county.

How hard work brings Profit-What qualifies us to be hard workers

How hard work brings Profit-What qualifies us to be hard workers: Working hard enables us to gain profit for what we do. But what is it that qualifies us to be hard workers?

Optiven Foundation Attends Launch Of Pilot Electric Motorcycle

Optiven Foundation Attends Launch Of Pilot Electric Motorcycle: It was a sight to behold this morning as forty-nine motorcycles made little noise as they meandered into a section of Karura Forest. To welcome the motorcycles within the green background were representatives at the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), government officials and business leaders and environmental lovers who all launched the pilot electric bikes.

Is your home safe from pollution?

Is your home safe from pollution? Like many others, we may think air pollution can be avoided indoors. But worldwide, more than 3 billion people are exposed to it within their own homes through cooking, heating and lighting with traditional fuels. These are fuels that can be gathered locally and burned on an open fire, such as wood, charcoal, coal, animal dung and the wheat straw and corn cobs that make up farm waste.

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