Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag: Optiven

Remedies of Self-Doubt: Ten Powerful ways on How to Overcome Self-Doubt

Remedies of Self-Doubt: Ten Powerful ways on How to Overcome Self-Doubt. We are living in a world that is full of challenges, a world where many people are increasingly caring less about each other’s plight.

Having year-long vision is not enough: You need vision for your entire life

Having year-long vision is not enough: You need vision for your entire life. A wise person once said thus: “To the person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind.”

Why it is vital to have a home in Nairobi Metropolis/Kiambu and Machakos

Why it is vital to have a home in Nairobi Metropolis/Kiambu and Machakos: I was walking in the City of Nairobi and only after a short distance, I bumped across this friend of mine whom I hadn’t seen for over 10 years.

How to expand your Generosity Amplitude- A tribute to Moi

How to expand your Generosity Amplitude- A tribute to Moi: This month of February has been a time of mourning for the former President Daniel Arap Moi. As a leader he is mourned by both his friends and foes.

How to become a Top Performer in your Specialty

How to become a Top Performer in your Specialty: Even if you are on the right truck, you will still get run over if you just seat there. For you to become a top consistent performer.

Optiven is now the Official Home for Kenyans in Diaspora & Associates

Optiven is now the Official Home for Kenyans in Diaspora & Associates: A home is a place where we feel loved and wanted. It is a tranquil domicile that always takes us in, offering us both.....

Invest TODAY and get value for money At Optiven Amani Ridge

Invest TODAY and get value for money At Optiven Amani Ridge: At Optiven, we give you value for money, by ensuring your investment has everything you need, before you even begin living there!

Amani Ridge is among most inspiring & fastest growing projects in East & Central Africa

Amani Ridge is among most inspiring & fastest growing projects in East & Central Africa. The response from investors visiting the site stands at 99% acceptance. Our investors have confirmed

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