The Kenyan film, 18 HOURS, produced by Phoebe Ruguru and Bill Afwani, and directed by Njue Kevin, won the biggest award in African cinema, the AMVCAs (African Movie Viewers Choice Awards). The film, which follows a rookie paramedic spending 18 hours with a road crash victim, won an award for Best Picture Editing which was received by Mark Maina. The film also won the award for Best East African film.
The biggest award of the night also went to 18 HOURS, recognising the film as the Best Overall Movie in Africa, 2018. This category had never seen a Kenyan film be nominated, and so marks history as the first Kenyan film to be nominated and to win the Best Overall Movie category in the history of the AMVCAs.
The producers of the film, working under the company Rocque Pictures, are working on their next feature film, an action-drama. You can keep up with them on their website: or on social media using the handle: @18hoursfilm.
Rev 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Africa Welfare Association is a pioneer provider of services to it’s Diaspora members in the event of loss of a loved one. We are entrusted with the welfare of the African Diaspora globally.
We are entrusted with the welfare of the African Diaspora globally. AWA was set up in response to the ever-growing demand for services at a critical time. With trusted partners, AWA will offer you benefits wherever you are in the world.
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At some point, we have been with a grieving family or friend and come to learn that none of us are ever prepared to leave this world. When the time comes, we shall leave everything including our loved ones behind.