Thursday, December 19, 2024

Mindset: Corruption In The Funding Of Counties In Kenya

Mindset: Corruption In The Funding Of Counties In Kenya

Mindset: Corruption In The Funding Of Counties In Kenya
Isaac Kinity

Nothing else can explain the Kenya legislatures support of equal funding to all the 47 counties, without putting into consideration the difference in the population of the Counties, except for corruption mindset. This is certainly an advance preparation for the looting of public funds in the less populated Counties where equal funding for education with much less children in school, where equal funding for healthcare with less people to take care of, the legislatures will have great ease of looting the funds with minimal queries. These are just a few examples.

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From the information provided in the link above, the only conclusion one would arrive at about the Kenyan legislatures who support equal distribution of funds to all Counties, in total disregard of the population distribution, is that they are sick and addicted to CORRUPTION. It is extremely hard to understand how men and women elected to represent human beings in Kenya, would denounce Population as a guide to funds distribution. How would the Kenya legislatures support for equal funding to all the 47 Counties, in total disregard of the population distribution?.

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How would Nairobi capital city of Kenya, with a population of 4,397,073 people, receive equal share of funds with Lamu which has a population of 143,920 people?
How would Kiambu, with a population of 2,417,735 people, receive equal share of funds with Tana River, which has a population of 315,943 people?.
How would Nakuru, with a populaion of 2,162,202 people, receive equal share of funds with Isiolo, which has a population of 268,002 people?
How would Kakamega, with a population of 1,867,579 people, receive equal share of funds with Lamu, which has a population of 143,920 people?
How would Bungoma, with a population of 1,670,570 people, receive equal share of funds with Isiolo, which has a population of 268,002 people?
How would Meru, with a population of 1,545,714 people, receive equal share with Samburu, which has a population of 310,327 people?
How would Machakos, with a population of 1,421,932 people, receive equal share with Lamu, which has a population of 143,920 people?
How would Kisii, with a population of 1,266,860 people receive equal share of funds with Isiolo, which has a population of 268,002 people?

This is a so easy issue to solve without any debate. A kindergarten or a grade one kid would easily solve this funds distribution theory without strain.
There are no any other legislatures in the world who play with the lives of their people, as the Kenya legislatures do to the Kenyan people. Which other Nation in the world except Kenya, does not base the funding of its people on the population distribution of its people?
In USA for example, the Census totals help to determine the amount of funding the State and local communities receive from the federal Government. Article 1, Section 11 of the US Constitution says; Each State shall have at least one US representative, while the total size of a states delegation to the house, depends on its population. All the countries in the world are governed by their census on how to distribute funds to their people.

This mistake of equal funding for all the 47 counties in Kenya has been going on for along time. This system was introduced by the late President Daniel Moi in what he called “Quarter System”. Sorry to say that some of the money that has always been given to the counties with small population, has always been finding its way into the pockets of those same legislatures, who are now campaigning hard, for equal distribution of the funds to all Counties. Kenya has a population of about 47 million people today. Each of the 47 million Kenyans has a right to benefit from the funding of the counties by the government. There is no way each Kenyan would benefit from the funding of the Counties, without taking into account and into consideration of the population of each County.

Lamu which is the list populated county in Kenya, should form the base with which to distribute funds to all the other counties, by simply dividing the population of people of each county by the population of the people in Lamu and then multiplying the answer, by whatever Lamu receives in terms of funding. By doing so Kenya would impartially provide transparent service to every Kenyan. This is a so easy issue to solve without any debate. A kindergarten or a grade one kid would easily solve this funds distribution theory in Kenya, without any strain.
Dr. Isaac Newton Kinity
Former Secretary General
Kenya Civil Servants Union.
PO Box 4114
Hamden, Connecticut 06514.


Mindset: Corruption In The Funding Of Counties In Kenya

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