Stop The Madness: Which Visa Can You Use To Come & Work In USA? Well, I get asked so many questions on a daily basis about living and working in USA and I try to
Dare Abroad With Kenya Airlift Program-Help for Kenyans wishing to study in US: There are many brilliant Kenyans out there who have dreams of coming to study in USA but they do not
When majority of people think of coming to study in the US, they really don’t have an idea of what happens after they graduate in terms of Job opportunities and immigration papers.
Back in 2001, after I graduated from high school in Kenya, I thought one year later I would be somewhere overseas studying for my bachelor’s degree. Little did I know the challenges that lay ahead
I do not come from a wealthy family, I do not have a scholarship, so is my dream of studying in USA dead? I grew up in a very humble family back in the village on the eastern slopes of Mount
The Big Elephant In The Room: Immigration Papers-Is It Really That Hard To Get Them Through Employment? In 2009, after struggling for about 8 years to travel out of Kenya,
The Kenya Airlift Program: Help brilliant Kenyans study in USA. Due to the high numbers of unemployed graduates in Kenya it’s my passion to assist young
people with alternative solutions to their predicaments.