Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday evening arrived in Washington DC in readiness for his meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House on Monday.
Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma is leading an advance team to the US ahead of President Uhuru Kenyatta's meeting with his US counterpart Donald Trump on Monday.
So much for targeting “bad hombres.”A NBC News analysis of ICE data finds that, “Under Trump arrests of undocumented immigrants with no criminal record have tripled”:
The world is controlled and run but secret societies. There is currently a very serious and deadly war going on between the freemason and the globalist illuminati;
The Trump administration is advancing a plan to punish legal immigrants for accepting food stamps, public housing and other government benefits they are entitled to
“A freer, more prosperous Africa is a vital partner in solving some of the world’s most pressing problems: poverty, immigration, climate change, terrorism,” said President Uhuru Kenyatta while addressing the 2017 G7 summit in Taormina, Italy.
Trump to host President Kenyatta at the White House Aug 27: President Uhuru Kenyatta is scheduled to meet United States President Donald Trump later this month, the White House has announced.