Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tag: obituary/Page

Death Annoouncement Of Peter Njuguna of Cambridge London

Death Annoouncement Of Peter Njuguna of Cambridge London: It is with great sorrow to announce the demise of one of our Kenyan friend Peter Njuguna Njoroge. Unfortunately

Death Announcement of Willie Kitala of Newark Delaware

Death Announcement of Willie Kitala of Newark Delaware: It’s with heavy hearts that we are announcing the untimely passing of our dear brother and friend Willie Kitala owner

Sudden Double Tragedy Death Of A Mother And Brother In 3 Days

Sudden Double Tragedy Death Of A Mother And Brother In 3 Days: It's with deep sorrow that we announce the double tragedy and the promotion to Glory of Mrs. Grace Njeri Gikonyo and Moses

Death Announcement Of Rose Miriam Njeri Kuria of Hemet, California

Death Announcement Of Rose Miriam Njeri Kuria of Hemet, California: It is with great sorrow and heavy hearts we announce that Mrs. Rose Miriam Njeri Kuria has been called to glory. She passed away suddenly on

Death Announcement Of Willy Bubba, Father to the Bubba’s Of Maryland

Death Announcement Of Willy Bubba, Father to the Bubba's Of Maryland: With acceptance of God's will, we announce the promotion to glory of Mr. Willy Bubba of Machakos, Kenya on Wednesday, May 24th 2023

Death Announcement of Mumbi Grace Mugaki- Fuller of Washington DC

Death Announcement of Mumbi Grace Mugaki- Fuller of Washington DC: It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Mrs. Mumbi Grace Mugaki- Fuller of Washington DC

Death Announcement Of Joshua Olando Oyoo Of Derwood, Maryland

Death Announcement Of Joshua Olando Oyoo Of Derwood, Maryland: We are sad to announce the sudden passing of Joshua Olando Oyoo, our beloved son, brother, and friend. The memorial service will be held

Death Announcement Of Anthony Muchiri Maina Of Maryland

Death Announcement Of Anthony Muchiri Maina Of Maryland: We are saddened to announce the sudden passing of Anthony Muchiri Maina. He passed away on Saturday night, May 13, 2023.

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