Friday, September 20, 2024

Diaspora Messenger - The Meeting Place For The Diaspora

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How Kenya Diaspora is Fueling Economic and Social Change

The Kenyan diaspora has long been recognised as a cornerstone of Kenya's socio-economic development, with their role extending beyond financial remittances to include invaluable...

Kenya News

Kenyan Diaspora in US donates luxurious House to Morara Kebaso

Political activist Morara Kebaso has received a major boost in his activism duties after he was gifted a house to serve as a centre...

Real Estate/Investments

Editorial News

Masengeli’s Apology to Court: Moving Forward with Compliance

Embattled Deputy Inspector General, Administration Police, Gilbert Masengeli has now tendered an apology to the High Court after being found in contempt in a case...

Diaspora News

How Kenya Diaspora is Fueling Economic and Social Change

The Kenyan diaspora has long been recognised as a cornerstone of Kenya's socio-economic development, with their role extending beyond financial remittances to include invaluable...
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ALL INCLUSIVE: God is able to abundantly bless you in all things

THE WORD:  “God is able to make all grace abound toward you; so that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to...

Impact of Crumbling Foundations on Society: Marriage, Family, Jobs

THE WORD:  “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in Heaven...

The Power of Patience: Responding to Problems God’s Way

THE WORD:  “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense of reward. For you have need of patience, that, after you have done...

Courageous and Intentional Living: The Art of Talking to God

In the midst of our daily commotion, we may often unwittingly engage in a monologue directed towards God. We rattle off our wishes, grievances,...


Trump’s Resilience: Surviving a Second Assassination Attempt

Donald Trump met with another assassination attempt on September 15: In a world where resilience is often tested, there are few who possess the...


Kelvin Mogo Heads to GVSU: An ISP Success Story

Kelvin Mogo is embarking on an exciting new chapter in his life. He is finally relocating to Grand Valley State University to pursue a...

From Nakuru to Kentucky: Grace Kinyatha’s Academic Ascent

Grace Kinyatha, a proud beneficiary of The International Scholars Program (ISP), is about to begin her transformative journey at the University of Kentucky, where...

Bob Mwiti, The Education Architect

Bob Mwiti, the visionary founder of The International Scholars Program (ISP), has been instrumental in providing educational opportunities to countless bright but needy students...

A New Dawn for African Education: ISP’s Expansion into Zimbabwe

Ignatius Munengwa, a key partner of the International Scholars Program (ISP) in Zimbabwe, has hailed the program's expansion into the country as a "blessing"...

Promoted Content

Mustard Seed Foundation: A Mission to Empower Needy Children

Unlocking the Potential: In today's world, education has become an essential tool for empowerment, opening doors of opportunity and paving the way for a...

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