Tuesday, March 4, 2025

DIASPORA VALID DREAMS: Kenyans who made a difference 2018

DIASPORA VALID DREAMS: Kenyans who made a difference 2018
DIASPORA VALID DREAMS: Kenyans who made a difference 2018

Shining in the Diaspora-List of Diaspora Kenyans who were vocal in 2018: In every Community, there are people that often stand out and many envy them and in a way want to emulate them, copy them, for they appeal to all and symbolize what one strive or desire to be in life.

They could be influential people in government, business or in social life,… that have a direct positive electrifying effect on those around them.

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They make many to envy their successes to an extent of even copying them and doing exactly what such people did earlier on in life.

Such people usually symbolize good status, charisma, honesty, and wisdom and they are used like examples to motivate others.

They make the youth especially to probably start behaving like them copying their path, so that they can live a successful life in future.  And sure like put, one cannot go wrong if you associate yourself with the successful people or those with leadership qualities.

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There are many such people in the Diaspora but we did a random sampling from those that have been active in social life, education, research, welfare, informing, and leadership, all with an aim of advancing their welfare as well as of others.

Here is just a few in the Diaspora that have been vocal in the year 2018 doing exactly that.

There are many more so if you don’t see the one you thought deserved, …that murmur or outburst signifies that he or she, or even yourself is in that group.

While appreciating these men and women, remember that the most influential person in your life will always remain your mother and father (whether dead or alive). It is to them that we credit many of our accomplishments and successes both inside and outside of school and into the transient world.

We all would look to them as a driving force of motivation and it was through them that we acquired qualities of courage, strength, hope, choose friends and most of all,… to love God. Whenever we would feel discouraged or dispirited, we would remember the examples set by our mothers or fathers and soon become reinvigorated.

That was then for now we all, or say most of us became our own mothers and fathers and with that in mind we are now the motivators and are definitely part of the few mentioned below but our pictures could not fit here.

Yes we are examples of successful, trying to be successful, inspiring to many and still vocal in our own way.

However the few people and groups identified(excluding clergymen for all are great people) by Kenyan Parents in USA organization by way of random sampling and judging by their achievements, clearly stood out and therefore deserved some honorary mention as we cross over to 2019.

I believe other Diaspora organization have their list of active resourceful people in the Diaspora and it will be good to post such after deliberating like we did to come out with our list.


H.E. Ambassador Dr. Robinson Githae

Ambassador Robinson Githae has been active in Diaspora matters and a key initiator to the recently launched Kenya Airways direct flight from Nairobi to New York.

His office is always open to serve all in the Diaspora and he also reach out to organized groups that need his assistance. You can also reach him here by visiting

He is the only known Ambassador that participates in Diaspora whatsapp groups.


Beatrice Ndura

Beatrice as she describe herself, counsels her clients from a position of grace centered on the truth of God’s Word. She does not only transfer coping skills to her clients but brings them to a position where they can experience the mercy and grace of God. Beatrice works with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and family; and has special interest in women issues and appreciates women who reach out for help because it is a sign of strength. She believes that women are special and have the ability to carry the weight of daily challenges, and gentle to give comfort.

An inspiration to many.

Reverend Wambui Njoroge

Reverend Wambui Njoroge is a true diaspora philanthropist who go out of her way to offer witness to homeless while at the same time feeding them in the dingy streets they call home.

She visit the sick in hospitals and in jails and assists in counselling those in need.

An inspiration to many.

Evangelist Isaac Kariuki-Born out of the desire to serve the Kenyan community abroad, Isaac Kariuki began Diasporamessenger, a website that allows Kenyans abroad and locally to access all kinds of information such as where a loved one is to where you can find chapatti if you are in the United States.

The website is truly a resource center for Kenyans in Diaspora

He is simply an inspiration to many.

Joe Kariuki– Joe is a regular contributor to Diaspora Messenger WhatsApp forum Efforts to obtain his profile picture were unsuccessful.

He has build a household name for his valuable contribution to day to day debates on the forum.

Joe is an inspiration to many.


BMJ (Ben Mutua Jonathan) Muriithi  is a print, radio and television journalist and actor based in the United States.

Muriithi is also a regional reporter and correspondent for NTV, a Kenyan media outlet, QTV, and the Nation Newspaper, all owned by Nation Media Group (NMG).

He previously worked for The Standard of Kenya as a US correspondent.

MJ Muriithi was born in Kanyuambora village, Embu district in the Eastern province of Kenya.     

David Ochwangi. 

David has ample of knowledge in financial matters and is currently vocal in spearheading a campaign for diaspora voting. He also leads an initiative to establish a federally chartered Bank in the form of a *CREDIT UNION, here is the website- .

He recently showed a gesture of kindness to serve Kenyans in dire need by helping  to raise $40,000 towards part of the required Christine Gikanga medical expenses.

A true philanthropist and an inspiration to many.

Dr. Jeff Kaluyu

When you talk of an ambitious man, you will be backbitting Jeff for he wasted no time in small politics and went for the big office in Kenya and finished 4th in position.

A feat that needs congratulation and an indication that this son of Africa has something hidden up his sleeves.

A charismatic eloquent silver-tounged fluent  speaker that leaves his audience wanting to hear more and more.

Christine Muchene- Shiloh Afric.

She is the Madam President with an ear to the ground who knows all Diaspora issues whether big or small.

If you want to know which important function is happening or just about to happen in USA, just call her and you will get the latest information.

She founded Kenyans in Georgia group (KIG) but this lady is not yet done as she is now giving KWITU a match after forming Kenya women in Georgia.

She recently went into partnership with the giant investor OPTIVEN and with that brief introduction, you know the level she operates at.

A story of a determined lady from the  famous Precious Blood Riruta, to the wings of the mighty and powerful is just inspiring and amazing.

It’s just the beginning for she is now into welfare helping the disabled in Kenya by offering free wheel chairs to anyone with money to ship them home.


Sam Mwaura

Sam is a dynamic person that manages one of the largest Diaspora whatsapp group.

He is a church elder an inspiration to many. Sam is also the CEO of SAMRACK MEDIA & SAMRACK Diaspora updates group WWW.SAMRACK.COM a creative designer,PR & Event Planning  Diaspora Platform

Jeremy Damaris

Whoever said fame cannot be equated to its bearer had this true son of Africa in Mind.

Jeremy is a media personality in the Kikuyu language not in Kenya but in Alabama United States called Kikuyu Diaspora Radio.

A true Philanthropist that has helped many in need.

An inspiration to many.

Jackie Kinuthia

Little known soft spoken shy Jackie Kinuthia one day woke up with a determination of bringing the Kenya Embassy to Marietta Georgia and true to her wish it was accomplished with the help of Ambassador Githae’s initiative.

A true daughter of Africa for she made many proud after acquiring their Kenyan Identity.

Professor Jerono Rotich

All we can say about this lady is that she commands a lot of respect.

But that is not all for her student that she teaches in NC describe her in the media as a great teacher.

The ever smiling Professor is an inspiration to many.

Lily Richard

She need no introduction and all we can say here is “Amazing Lady”

An inspiration to many.

Nelly Wiggings

The lady with a big heart and dedicated to serving Kenyans was vocal in transforming Kenyan Parents in USA into a think tank group aiming at uniting all current and future parents in USA.

A tax consultant by profession who is also active in diaspora matters.


Adrine Bell

Many associate her with the powerful prayers she delivered one evening during the inauguration of Kenyan Parents in USA.

Sister Adrine leads Kenyan Parents in USA spiritual group.

She participates in most welfare activities in the Diaspora.

Dr Agwenyi                                         

Dr. Angwenyi is a well-known and respected teacher who has immense experience working with young people in Kenya and the United States. He is the founder of two successful NGOs: Global Connections Kenya Foundation and Hopewell-Keroka Alliance, both of which promote partnerships between the people of Kenya and the United States in order to improve the living conditions of the people in Kenya.

An inspiration to many.

DR George Njoroge

Dr. George Njoroge, a scientific researcher based in Indiana, United States, has been inducted into the coveted scientific ‘Hall of Fame’, Njoroge was named the 2012 Hero of Chemistry, by the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society.

A shinning example to many in the Diaspora.

Ngugi Wa Thiongo

Nigeria will boast of Chinua Achebe and Kenya will boast of Ngugi wa Thiongo.

He can be regarded as the father of literature in Kenya and many will recall him by his famous novel “The river between

He never stopped there for he transformed people’s way of thinking by starting to write  in vernacular to make many appreciate and understand their heritage. He was also determined to deal with those that oppress the poor and he may have achieved it when he wrote his book “The devil on the cross”.

An inspiration to many.

Timothy Ndegwa    

Timothy has a website called My Kenyan Link where they provide a Resource center to Kenyans and Friends of Kenya looking for Kenyan Market, Products and Services.

He is also a church administrator at the biggest Kenyan Diaspora Church in Marietta GA called K.A.C.C.

A very resourceful individual who is also active in the social media.


If you want to associate yourself with Kenyan ladies that have shattered the glass ceiling, you here meet Polite and most humble Dr.Penny Njoroge.

Rev. Penny Ruth W. Njoroge has been a Counseling Psychologist\psychotherapist\group therapist (in mental health) for over 25 years.  She is a Board Certified Therapist in Substance Abuse and Addictions; Death and Grief; Marriage and Family, as well as Crisis Intervention with many years of mentoring and empowering abused women and children, and Youth Mentoring (received Birmingham Mayor’s Hidden Heroes for mentoring). She is a Fellow of American Institute of Stress and a Diplomat with American Experts in Traumatic Stress\National Center for Crisis Management.  She has also received Birmingham Caregiver of the Year award, Alabama Hospital Hero’s award and Kenya’s Presidential Award for Community Service both here in the USA and in Kenya before she came to the USA.


Sonnie Njau


Sonnie Njau, a young Woman who Founded Men Impact Change in her own apartment in Dallas in 2014.  Now a global movement,  Men Impact Change has honored 71 men, including distinguished author Professor Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, and Hon Dr. Amb Elder Robinson Njeru Githae. And has attracted an audience of over 10,000!

The Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh as well as the Baltimore County Executive have not been left behind in partnering up with this global organization.
The mission: To inspire, inform and transform the lives of boys and young Men.
Her favorite quote, “Never doubt that a small group of committed individuals can Change the world, indeed it’s the only thing that ever has!”To learn more visit

Dr. Dan Magubi & Michael Mugo


Men of impact change need no other introduction- Just Amazing gentlemen.





Kamnao is a Kenyan born Christian music artist and founder of Double Impact ministry, founder of KEMEN (Kenya Men empowerment nextwork) and Chairman of KEMEN. based in Saint Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Kamnao started singing at an early age of 7 and his passion for music has never ceased. He gets his inspiration from David in the bible, who danced and praised God with all his power and might.
His first album, “YOU CAN MAKE IT”,  has hit the charts in various parts of the world with his “out of the box” style of presentation. His goal is to preach the gospel of Jesus all over the world through his gifts and talents. Kamnao loves to serve God, but in particular, he has a heart for the youth ministry. He is passionate about introducing young people to Jesus and helping them develop a relationship with Christ.

His second album, “JESUS MY DADDY” followed by his third album, “I’M A SOLDIER” have all been a blessing to many. With his slogan, “Going Crazy for Jesus”, Kamnao is on his way to becoming one of the most fascinating gospel music artists of his time.  He encourages all gospel artists to pray and support one another as they spread the message of Jesus to the rest of the world.


Compiled by

Kenyan Parents in U.S.A. Secretariat.





D.K Gitau



Kenyan Parents in U.S.A.


DIASPORA VALID DREAMS: Kenyans who made a difference 2018


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